Appearance: Golden ale
Aroma: Spicy with a slight hints of pepper
Flavour: Multi spiced - cloves, ginger, cinnamon, allspice and nutmeg with pumpkin undertones
Why its on here: Its Pumpkin conditioned!!! Twitter on Friday was flooded with rumours about Roosters latest offering, a five spiced pumpkin ale served from a huge pumpkin. Pubs lucky enough to have delivery, (that I'm aware of) of this beery beast included Mr Foley's and North Bar in Leeds and the Tap on Sheffield Rail Station. I was lucky enough to be in range of Mr Foley's when I heard about their delivery so I duly paid them a visit. It was well worth it, not just for the novelty value but because it was an excellent beer. Not overly spicy and very smooth with the occasional sweet note. I could have willingly sat and drank it all day.
Check out their website of how it was done:
Roosters Pumpkin ale
Completely agree, could have drunk this all day!