After the rather hectic last couple of months, things have begun to settle down allowing me to do a bit of baking and attempt to resuscitate this little blog from it's food coma.
Since I last blogged, I have had a little wander around Europe for a couple of weeks where I ate and drank some very fine things.
I have moved house for the 7th time in 9 years. I have left Lincolnshire to return to Yorkshire after a 3 year absence and last but definitely not least; I have quit one job to begin a new job in another school.
So quite an eventful few months.
So to the food, well to quote a little known TV programme; 'Winter is coming' and with it brings all manner of delicious warming bakes.
This one I spotted on the Good Food Calendar which I have finally stuck up 9 months after getting one and it uses the all time classic flavours of toffee and apple. I do recommend Good Food/Olive very highly as all the recipes work due to their triple testing which is more than I can say for some recipe books (looking at you, Heston, you bald git). This one worked perfectly and tastes gorgeous, especially when warmed slightly. I substituted pecans for walnut because pecans are quite expensive and walnuts work just as well for half the price.
Recipe available here: http://www.bbcgoodfood.com/recipes/toffee-apple-pecan-cake