Having received the honour of inspiring a challenge, I felt I'd best take part otherwise an e-beating would no doubt occur.
So I gathered together a good handful of magazines and randomly choose the Easter edition from this year of which I landed on the chocolate section and hit a superb random recipe.
Now regular readers of this blog will realise that I like tarts .....OI!! stop sniggering in the back. There are various posts on here of my recent lemon tart and the fig tart which was another random recipe. So without further ado I give you this months random recipe....
Chocolate Orange Tart
350g plain flour
200g butter , cubed
100g icing sugar
zest 1 orange
1 egg yolk , mixed with 2 tbsp water
250g dark chocolate
2 eggs , plus 1 white (leftover from pastry)
140g caster sugar
85g melted butter
85g plain flour
little cocoa , to serve
Rub the butter into the flour gently between your fingertips until mixture resembles breadcrumbs.
Stir in the sugar and zestAdd the yolk and water and mix together.
Using you hands bring together the mix into a dough ball, don't overwork.
Wrap tightly in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge for 30mins to an hour.
Get two sheets of cling film, spread one across the work surface, place the dough in the middle and spread the other sheet over the top.
Roll out gently in between the two sheets of cling film (this method stops any excess flour being added to the pastry and drying it out).
Remove the top layer and using the bottom layer drape the pastry into a 26cm fluted tart tin.
Press gently into the tart tin and using a rolling pin roll across the top to trim off the edges.
Push the edges up a couple of millimetres to compensate for shrinkage.
Gently press a layer of foil into the tin and fill with baking beans.
Bake in a preheated oven (180C) for 15 minutes.
Remove the foil and beans and bake for another 10 minutes.
Remove from oven and leave to cool on a wire rack.
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water
beat the eggs with the sugar until thick and pale
fold in the melted butter, flour and chocolate
Pour into the pastry case and leave to settle for a minute
Place in the oven at 160C/140C(fan) for 25 minutes
Remove and allow to cool slightly
Sprinkle over cocoa powder and serve warm with cream or ice cream.
Just superb, crumbly orange pastry and thick gooey chocolate filling. I cheated a bit on this recipe, the recipe stated to make 8 deep individual tarts but I don't own the required equipment so I just made a big one. You will have enough pastry with plenty spare if you use a 26cm tin and the filling is exactly the right amount for a tray this size.
Thanks again to Dom for hosting and choosing me as his inspiration.