Monday, 16 July 2012

Mars Bar Cake - A Tea Time Treat

 This months tea time treats challenge hosted by Karen at Lavender and Lovage (and also Kate at What Kate Baked on alternate months), is to make some variety of baked good suitable for a cake stall at a summer fete. Yes Summer, you know that season that is supposed to turn up around now so we can all get merry off Pimms and suffer from severe food poisoning from risking that 'last burger'. But no, instead I'm making a bake for a summer fete and its raining outside, RAINING!!! IN JULY!!!


anyway...what to make? well this was not a difficult challenge in the slightest for me and there was only one option.

Mars Bar cake

Oh yeah! Not technically a cake, more of a pimped up chocolate crispy thingy.

This was made for me way back when I was a youngster and we had to take something in for school bake sales, It usually sold out in minutes which was quite annoying, mainly because I wanted it. It is one of my personal favourites and takes me straight back to my younger days at the mere thought of it.

This recipe takes minutes to make and most of the time is spent waiting for it set in the fridge. The chocolate on top is optional and it works very well with or without...well I say optional, It's not really is it, put the chocolate on top you know you want to.

Mars Bar Cake
3 - 4 normal mars bars or 6-7 snacksize
100g butter
2 tbsp golden Syrup
200g Rice Crispies
150g Milk chocolate

Chop up the mars bars and melt gently in a large pan with the syrup and butter.
Stir in the rice crispies about 50g at a time until well combined and coated.
Add to a lined container of your choice, I used a square cake tin but a baking tray about and inch deep will work fine.
Place in the fridge for about an hour to set
Melt the chocolate in a bowl over a pan of simmering water.
Pour over the cake and place back in the fridge to set, about half an hour this time.

Slice up, serve and enjoy.


  1. I must make some of this, reminds me on bonfire night, we always had it then. :)

  2. Those are perfect for a cake stall, they always sell out!

  3. Sophiedouglas116 July 2012 at 21:07

    Good lord. Can I buy some from you now?!?

  4. OH yes! A GREAT no bake tray bake - I LOVE this and it's so easy to make too! Janice is right, these always sell out and such a GREAT Tea Time Treats entry! THANKS Gary! Karen

  5. Hi, I'm dropping by via Tea Time Treats. This looks so easy and delicious. I would love to have a whole tray!

  6. sorry... explain this 'Summer' thing again...? LOVELY cake... lovely!... I do love a sticky, chocolatey bar cake thingy like this, very good for parties and perfect for selling at a stall!
